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Jackal Ladies
Take Your Health And Body To Next Level
Jackal Ladies is the leading women fitness clubs in Bahrain. We are unique in our approach, focusing not just on the physical aspects of fitness but also on the psychological and emotional benefits that accompany an active lifestyle.
With a vision towards spreading happiness through fitness, we created and designed the Jackal Ladies fitness experience by discarding the traditional, ordinary health club format in favor of modern, stylish surroundings with a boutique, welcoming feel. At Jackal Ladies, we know every member by name. Here, you are more than just a number. Our commitment to you is that we will work hard every day to guide, care for, and support you along your fitness journey.
Jackal Ladies Trainers
Team Of Expert Coaches
Jackal Ladies focuses not only on how women look – on their size or shape – but also on how they feel. It’s all about happiness. That psychological and emotional aspect of fitness is very important to women.